Analytics Insights Glossary

All Favorites

The total number of times a plan is favorited, whether by an anonymous or registered user.

Average Duration

The average amount of time that sessions last on the app in minutes

Bounce Rate

The percent of sessions that have a duration of less than ten seconds.

Brochure Hits

The number of brochures that contain the specified plan.

Call to Action (CTA)

A direct message to the user to encourage them to carry out a desired action. This can be sharing plans, contacting builders, setting inventory tour appointments, adding to a favorites page, or email/printing brochures.


Total view time

Engagement Metric

A measurement of engagement on a scale of 0 to 100. A higher value means more interactions and longer time spent looking at.

Engagement Rate

The percentage of all visitors that make it to each stage in the app (communities, plans, elevations, brochures).


The number of user interactions with content other than page loads (clicks, views, toggles).

Favorites Count

The number of times a plan in a community has been favorited.


The total number of clicks/interactions

Lead Favorites

The total number of favorites made by registered users.

Lead Views

The total number of views made by registered users.

New Visitors

The number of users that have never been to the website before.

New Visitor Rate

The percent of Visitors that are New Visitors


Weighted sum of clicks, number of times the feature makes it to the brochure page through the “Create my Brochure” button, and the number of times a brochure is downloaded with the feature. (Lots, Color Schemes, Floor Plan Options, Elevation Specifications, Material Color Selections, and Interior Selections)

Registered Users

The number of users that have registered an account using credentials to provide their identity.

Registration Rate

The percent of Visitors that are Registered Users

Returning Visitors

The number of visitors that have previously been to your website in a predetermined time frame and have started another session on the same browser and device.

Return Rate

The percent of Visitors that are Returning Visitors


A session is the group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame. All usage data is associated with a session. If there is a continuous lull of 30 minutes or more without any activity, we will consider a session to be terminated. A user can have multiple sessions.

Visitor Locations

Indicates geographical areas that users are currently located in.


The number of users that have initiated a session on the app