Active Leads
Leads with engagement analysis.
All-Time Leads
Leads with no recent browsing data.
Appointments Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Appointments combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
Average Duration Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Average Duration combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
Brochures Created Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Brochures Created combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
Camber Sign Ins Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Camber Sign Ins combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
Contact Us Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Contact Us combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
CTA Cliks Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted CTA Clicks combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
Engagement Score
Calculation on a scale between 0 and 1 using a combination of user behavior metrics and recency weights. The higher the score, the more active and engaged the lead is. Engagement Score is the average of all the scores calculated. There are scores for Appointments, Average Duration, Brochures Created, Camber Sign Ins, Contact Us, CTA Clicks, External Favorites Loaded, Favorites, Sessions, Sign Ins, Total Duration, and Total Events. Each variable is assigned a weight based on importance in the sales funnel. “Extra credit” is awarded from different scores to make up for a lack in one. Camber Sign Ins, External Favorites Loaded, Appointments, Contact Us are excluded from the Sum of All Weights to act as a bonus field. Total duration is excluded from the Sum of All Weights because it is captured by sessions and average duration already.
External Favorites Loaded Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted External Favorites Loaded combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
Favorites Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Favorites combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
High Value Lead / Hot Lead
Leads with high activity and interest early in the sales process. These are leads that have registered within the past 2 months, have never contacted the builder, and have engagement scores similar to leads that do click the contact us button.
New Leads
Leads registered in the past 24 hours.
Sessions Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Sessions combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
Sign Ins Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Sign Ins combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
The current stage of the sales funnel that a lead is in.
Total Duration Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Total Duration combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
Total Events Score
Calculates the number of normalized standard deviations away from the mean of Weighted Total Events combined with a recency weight. The recency weight uses exponential decay, where the half life is roughly one month.
Unassigned Leads
Leads that do not have an assigned agent.